1.3 practical examples of Frugal Innovation in action
Mitti Cool
Clay fridge without electricity!
When an earthquake hit Gujarat, Mansukhbhai Prajapati lost his clay workshop.
He then observed the victims of the cataclysm and problems which they had to face and decided to create a clay refrigerator which can run without electricity.
Mitticool, priced at $50, soon became a market hit in India, because it fulfilled the needs of masses and thanks to very affordable price, almost every family could buy it.
The Paper Microscope
Foldscope is the ultra-affordable, paper microscope that you assemble yourself. It is an origami-based print-and-fold paper microscope designed to be extremely portable, durable, and to give optical quality similar to conventional research microscopes (magnification of 140X and 2 micron resolution). Price: $1
Amazing Highway Billboard Makes Drinking Water Out Of Thin Air
Jugaad Innovation: Jaideep Prabhu at TEDxUCL